How to Wash a Cashmere Sweater

How to Wash a Cashmere Sweater

Cashmere sweaters are luxurious, incredibly soft, and warm—perfect for staying stylish and cozy. But when it comes to washing them, many of us are filled with a sense of dread. The delicate fibers of cashmere need special care to avoid shrinking, stretching, or pilling. But fear not! Washing your cashmere sweater at home is easier than you think, and it doesn't always require a trip to the dry cleaner. In this guide, we'll walk you through the best methods to wash a cashmere sweater by hand or in the machine, so you can keep it looking as good as new for years to come.

Why Hand-Washing Cashmere is Best

While it may be tempting to throw your cashmere sweater into the washing machine, hand-washing is usually the safest option. Hand-washing gives you more control over the entire process, reducing the risk of shrinkage, stretching, or damaging the delicate fibers. Here’s how to do it:

Step-by-Step Guide to Hand-Washing a Cashmere Sweater

  1. Prepare Your Washing Area: Fill a basin or sink with cold water. Cold water is crucial because hot water can cause the fibers to shrink. Add a small amount of gentle detergent or a cashmere-specific cleaner. If you don’t have a specialized cleaner, a mild baby shampoo can work as a substitute.
  2. Soak and Gently Agitate: Submerge the sweater in the water and let it soak for about 15 minutes. Gently swirl the water and lightly squish the sweater to distribute the detergent through the fibers. Avoid rubbing or wringing the sweater, as this can cause damage.
  3. Rinse Thoroughly: After soaking, drain the soapy water and refill the basin with cold water. Swish the sweater around gently to rinse out all the detergent. Repeat this step until the water runs clear and no more suds are visible.
  4. Remove Excess Water: Lay the sweater flat on a clean, dry towel. Roll the towel up with the sweater inside, pressing gently to remove excess water. Never twist or wring cashmere, as it can distort the shape and damage the fibers.
  5. Dry Flat: Once most of the water is out, lay the sweater flat on a dry towel or drying rack. Reshape it to its original dimensions and let it air dry completely. This process may take a full day or more, depending on the thickness of the cashmere. Avoid hanging the sweater, as this can cause stretching.

Machine-Washing Cashmere: Can It Be Done?

100% cashmere sweaters are almost never washable. The only exception is if you have a carefully-crafted washable xSweater (coming soon), a luxury-grade sweater made from the world's finest yarns and the first to be fully machine washable, eliminating the hassle of special care. 

If you have a cashmere sweater that’s labeled as “machine-washable” — it’s not 100% cashmere — unless, of course, it’s the xSweater. How is it possible? It’s all in the stitch. Our sweaters are carefully designed with a superior stitch to make them fully machine washable.

If you have the xSweater, you can wash it as you would any other regular sweater.

If, however, you have a (mostly) cashmere sweater that is labeled as machine washable, you will still have to wash it carefully. Here’s how you can do it:

Step-by-Step Guide to Machine-Washing Cashmere

  1. Check the Care Label: Before tossing your sweater in the wash, always check the care label for any specific washing instructions. If it explicitly states that the sweater is machine-washable, proceed with caution. For pure cashmere, hand-washing is generally recommended, but if it's a blend, machine-washing might be an option.
  2. Prepare the Sweater: Turn the sweater inside out to protect the outer fibers and place it in a mesh laundry bag to reduce friction and prevent snagging or pilling.
  3. Use the Right Settings: Select the delicate or wool cycle on your washing machine, and always opt for cold water. Cold water helps maintain the integrity of the cashmere fibers, preventing shrinkage and felting.
  4. Choose a Gentle Detergent: Use a detergent specifically designed for delicate fabrics or wool. Regular detergents are too harsh and can strip natural oils from the cashmere fibers, making them feel stiff or causing damage over time. Look for a detergent that is free of enzymes, bleach, and fragrances.
  5. Skip the Spin Cycle: If your machine allows, skip the spin cycle altogether or use the lowest spin setting. Spinning at high speeds can stretch and damage the delicate cashmere fibers, compromising the shape of your sweater.
  6. Remove Immediately: As soon as the cycle is complete, remove the sweater from the machine to prevent further stretching or creasing. Lay it flat on a clean towel and gently roll it up to remove excess water, as you would with hand-washing.
  7. Dry Flat: Reshape the sweater to its original dimensions and lay it flat to dry on a dry towel or drying rack. Keep it away from direct sunlight or heat sources, as heat can damage the fibers and cause fading.

Removing Stains and Preventing Pilling

Tackling Stains on Cashmere

Stains on cashmere can be intimidating, but with the right approach, you can remove them without damaging the fabric:

  1. Act Fast: The sooner you treat a stain, the better. Use a clean cloth or paper towel to gently blot (not rub) any excess liquid from the surface. Avoid pressing too hard, as this can push the stain deeper into the fibers.
  2. Spot Treatment: For minor stains, use a no-rinse detergent or a mild baby shampoo. Dilute a small amount of detergent with cold water, apply it directly to the stain, and gently blot with a clean cloth. Let it sit for about 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with cold water. Never use bleach or harsh chemicals, as they can damage the delicate cashmere fibers.
  3. Persistent Stains: For tougher stains, such as wine or grease, consider using a gentle, enzyme-free stain remover specifically designed for delicate fabrics. Always test the product on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure it does not affect the color or texture.

Preventing and Removing Pilling

Pilling occurs when short or loose fibers on the surface of the cashmere rub together, forming small, fuzzy balls. Here’s how to prevent and remove pilling:

  1. Prevent Pilling: Minimize friction by avoiding over-washing and wearing cashmere with rough fabrics like denim. Wash cashmere separately or with other delicate items to reduce friction during laundering.
  2. Remove Pills Gently: Use a cashmere comb or fabric shaver to gently remove pills. Lay the sweater flat and carefully glide the comb or shaver over the fabric's surface. Avoid pulling pills by hand, as this can create holes or damage the fabric further.
  3. Careful Storage: Proper storage can help minimize pilling. Fold cashmere sweaters neatly and avoid stacking them too tightly, which can cause friction and increase pilling over time.

Storing Your Cashmere Sweater

Proper storage is essential to maintain the shape, softness, and quality of your cashmere sweater:

  1. Fold, Don’t Hang: Always fold your cashmere sweaters instead of hanging them. Hanging can cause the fibers to stretch out of shape, especially around the shoulders. Neatly fold the sweater and place it in a drawer or on a shelf to preserve its shape.
  2. Use a Cotton Dust Bag: Store your cashmere in a breathable cotton bag to protect it from dust and pests. Avoid plastic bags or airtight containers, which can trap moisture and lead to mildew or yellowing.
  3. Keep Moths Away: Moths are attracted to natural fibers like cashmere, especially when they are stored with traces of sweat, food, or body oils. Store your cashmere sweater clean and place lavender sachets, cedar blocks, or moth repellents nearby to deter moths.
  4. Climate Control: Store cashmere in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Excessive heat, humidity, or exposure to sunlight can fade the color and weaken the fibers over time.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your cashmere sweater remains in excellent condition, looking and feeling luxurious for years to come. Remember, the key to caring for cashmere is gentle handling, proper washing techniques, and mindful storage.

Care For Your Cashmere Sweater Properly

Caring for your cashmere sweater doesn’t have to be daunting. With these steps, you can wash your cashmere at home, keep it looking beautiful, and enjoy its luxurious softness for years. Remember, hand-washing is always a safe bet, but if you choose to machine wash, take precautions to minimize the risk of damage. And don’t forget proper storage techniques to protect your cashmere from pests and keep it in great condition.

By following our xSuit guide, you’ll extend the life of your cashmere sweater and keep it looking and feeling fabulous season after season!